Chiyomi Duble has over 17 years teaching experience in the field of Japanese language and brought a number of international exchange opportunities to the students in her teaching one of which is ‘Letter Exchange Project’ with NIU students.
It has been progressing for 9 years and she has extended this project with CU students of Lower Intermediate Japanese modules in 2013. It was the first correspondence opportunity with a Japanese university for CU students.
Shortly after, it was suggested to make an online project and she traveled to Japan to propose OIL Project to NIU. She provided the online exchange opportunity to put their language skills into practice and to develop the relationship between the two universities.
At the end of this academic year, she provides 3 occurrences of the international experience for approximately 60 students.
CU and NIU have made an official partnership (MoU) in 2015. The OIL project has also contributed to building the relationship between the two universities.
She hopes that a virtual international experience with OIL project could be a stepping stone for CU students to have a real international experience.