Prof John Sheffield

Prof John Sheffield

Purdue Polytechnic


Dr. John W. Sheffield, joined Purdue University in January 2015. He holds the title of Professor Emeritus of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Missouri University of Science and Technology.

Dr. Sheffield has a broad base of experience in energy technologies. He has served as one of the founding associate directors at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization – International Centre for Hydrogen Energy Technologies (UNIDO-ICHET) during their first two years of operation in 2005-2006. He also served as the Associate Director of the National University Transportation Center at Missouri S&T. For more than thirty years, he has served as an editor of the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.

In August 2014, he completed a two-year assignment as a principal consultant at DNV GL – Energy supporting the evaluation, measurement and verification of energy efficiency programs and the response to the U.S. DOE Uniform Methods Project Protocol review of compressed air systems. In August 2015, he completed a 7-week National Science Foundation Innovation Corps program as an industrial mentor for a potential startup company based on the manufacturing of bio-inspired bipolar plates for PEM fuel cells.
