Europe through the Global Lens

Europe through the Global Lens

Belgium / Denmark / Germany / Hungary / Spain / Switzerland / United Kingdom

Project Overview

This innovative project links learners from around the Globe on Coventry Universities Open Moodle Platform to discuss current topic relating to the European Union.
These topics are considered from differing cultural learning and educational backgrounds perspectives which aims to provide students with the opportunity to learn from learners with different cultural origins.

The aim of this is two-fold: –

  • Firstly it allows students to understand that dependence on one’s prior learning and cultural background may impact on learners’ views of a subject or topic, thus creating awareness of the learner’s own cultural approaches.
  • Secondly, the OIL project aims to develop the learners’ cultural awareness capabilities and embraces cultural diversity.

OIL Activities

Module Learning Outcomes

1. Critically review the rationale for, and characteristics of, the European Union and its constituent membership
2. Critically evaluate the opportunities and strategies for businesses to expand and operate in the EU
3. Critically evaluate the diverse approaches to innovation in the European Union
4. Evaluate and critique “Free Trade” in an open world economy

Assignment ONE – This assessment will assess learning outcome 1, 2, 3 and 4.
It has a value of 75% of the overall Module mark.

This assignment requires the student to prepare a 4500 word reflective portfolio using a theme of one of our lectures or any other current EU issue which has to be approved by the module leader.
The students are required to use the Online international learning (OIL), discussion forum and encourage discussion with students of our partner institutions across Europe to gather information, views, issues and aspects which you critically analyse, evaluate, apply to, link and synthesise with theory and discuss in your reflection.
The aim of this assignment is to provide a view of current and apt issues through the lens of a number of countries in connection with current EU issues.

OIL Outcomes

  • Develop a greater understanding of other cultural norms through dialog and interaction
  • Demonstrate an ability to think globally and consider subject specific issues from a variety of perspectives and contexts
  • Develop global competencies, the global mind set and empathy to become a global graduate


