International business is a broad and vibrant area of study and offers many players in the business environment an opportunity to grow and increase their scale of operation.
This OIL project aims to offer an introduction to the challenges and drivers for companies deciding to do business internationally. The Online International Learning [OIL] project compromises of five activities/interactions on a mutual shared digital platform. Students from both universities are asked to work, present and discuss case studies critically. The whole online experience aims to provide students a new perspective of student interaction, student experience and student learning in higher education.
1: Demonstrate an awareness of the challenges and drivers for companies to operate internationally
2: Appraisal of intercultural differences when considering new market entry in terms of implications, challenges and opportunities encountered e.g.
• Influencing factors on consumer choice
• Work ethos
3: Critically analyse case studies to understand the real business environment and to identify new channels of business opportunities overseas
Week 1 / Task 1 – Welcome dialogue and Icebreaker Activity
Get to know each other; understand each other`s perspectives, cultures, learning styles and the aims of each individual from this OIL Project.
Icebreaker Activity:
Where are you from
What are you studying?
What are you expecting from this OIL project?
Which skills you want to develop and acquire?
How is this going to be useful for your further studies and employment?
Students upload a photo (if they wish) and share information about themselves to build relationships, communications and trust
Week 2 / Task 2 – Group formation and Case Study Analysis I
Students will be grouped (max 4 Students) at each university. The groups are required to read a case-study (will be uploaded onto our Facebook page) and will be supplied with a number of questions that need to be approached. Students are asked to upload their video presentation on Facebook for formative feedback.
• Presentation Slides and the video group presentation need to be uploaded on Facebook
Case study I: Tesco: From Domestic operator to Multinational giants
Week 3: Creating a Presentation
Illy, the Italian-based supplier of quality coffee and coffee-making equipment, is launching an international chain of gourmet coffee shops.” What advice would you offer Illy for how it can best build competitive advantage in the face of Starbucks’ market leadership?
Students will be encouraged to work in the same group but are happy to form new groups (max 4 Students) at each university. The groups are required to complete the following assignment:
“As a group identify an organisation/company that decided to operate internationally (max.6 years ago). Discuss and present their drivers/incentives to expand internationally as well as discuss a number of challenges they have encountered in the new market”
Week 4 & 5 / Task 4 Group report
Please follow and use the following template for your group report:
1. Background of the chosen company (Brief summary of the company)
2. Financial Performance of the company (How did they perform financially in 2015)
3. Internationalisation of the company (Are they operating already in internationally, if so where? And How are they performing over there?
4. Product Portfolio (What do they offer? Industry? Any information of their growth?
5. Target customers (Who are their target customers? Demographic characteristics of their target customers?
1: Creating presentation slides + video presentation of the Tesco case study
2: A presentation of the debate held on Facebook
3: Producing an e-book with the summary of the group reports