Production of a homebrew Finite Elements software in MATLAB

Production of a homebrew Finite Elements software in MATLAB

United Arab Emirates / United Kingdom

Project Overview

A series of collaborative seminars on MATLAB coding for Finite Elements analysis and simulations.

Our partner at the Emirates Aviation University is Shereen Afana.

OIL Outcomes

Application of Finite Elements principles on the study of structures by means of computational coding.

OIL Activities

Collaborative seminars: one-hour seminars followed by solution of example structures, with conjoint discussion of results and modelling techniques.

Type of interaction: Debate, collaborative coding, peer-review, reflection.

OIL Outputs

By the end of the OIL project the students will have produced a bespoke Finite Elements software written in MATLAB programming language.

Method of capturing intercultural development

Published codebase of homebrewed Finite Elements software in MATLAB language and interoperability across countries.


