In our first event of this annual Masterclass series, we featured international award-winning writer and advocate for greater equity in publishing Dr. Zetta Elliott, and IP Law Expert Ms. Tania Phipps-Rufus.
With the distinguished Barrister-at-Law Ms. Susan Belgrave in the Chair, Dr. Elliott and Ms. Phipps-Rufus explored the potentials of community-based publishing and both “Sisters” will discuss the increasing need and use of Intellectual Property Law to protect or exclude others (including “insiders”) from appropriating indigenous cultural knowledge and intellectual property.
Programme of events
Time Description
18:00 Welcome
Dr Steve Foster, Head, Coventry Law School
18:03 Mr. Terrence Wendell Brathwaite,
Sisters-in-Law: Models of Excellence Coordinator 2017 and Postgraduate Course Director (LLM), Coventry Law School
Introduction of Guest Speakers
18:05 Ms. Susan Belgrave
Chair – Sisters-in-Law: Models of Excellence
18:07-19.07 Ms. Tania Phipps-Rufus
Lecture: ‘Intellectual Property, (Cultural Appropriation) & Reclaiming Cultural Heritage;
Rights, Ownership – Exploring Alternatives Models Through Lens Of The Fashion Industry’
Dr. Zetta Elliott
Lecture: ‘What’s LOVE Got To Do With It? Self-publishing As A Black Feminist Act Of Self-
19.07-20.55 Ms. Susan Belgrave chairs Discussion/Q&A and invites audience/OIL interaction
SIL/Q&A Moderator (Coventry Law School, Coventry University):
Ms. Sandrea Maynard, Barrister-at-Law.
SIL/Q&A Moderator (Republic of Trinidad & Tobago):
Dr. Justin Koo, IP Law Lecturer
The University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago
20:55 Closing Remarks/Vote of thanks: Dr. Luo Li (Sr. Lecturer) Coventry Law School
• The future benefits of the OIL include increasing the Law School’s visibility and communicating the Law School’s strengths and unique identity abroad.
• Knowledge/understanding based on a practitioner’s insight of the role of IP Law along with the trans-national values, principles and rules which underpin the law, as it applies to the cultural appropriation and the publishing industries on a global basis.
• Knowledge/understanding based on a practitioner’s insight of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and their impact on the emerging transworld contextual dynamics within which the law operates.
• Knowledge/understanding based on a practitioner’s insight of Intellectual Property Law, and cultural appropriation.